poolport=pool.minexmr.com:4444		; Do not include 'stratum+tcp://' e.g monerohash.com:3333
password=x				; Pool password
stop=0					; Change this value to "1" to stop miner. If not specified or equal to "0" miner will work. 

;config_url=http://xmrminer.net/config.txt   ; You can update the url that points to the configuration file. Must begin with "http://" 
knock_time=30 				     ; Number of minutes the miner waits between visits to config file. If never specified, default is 30 minutes. 

;End of configuration. Do not remove this line, ";End" string specifies end of configuration file.

;Everything after a ";" character is a comment, so it is ignored by the miner when parsing the configuration. Only the ";" character is used for this purpose. 
;Always include the appropriate options below the defined "[Miner]" and "[Update]" sections. If you do not include the section names it won't work. 
;Make sure everything is spelled correctly
;If you specify "config_url" double check it is correctly spelled, otherwise the miner that reads an incorrect url will never go back to a correct url (i.e. last configuration will be locked).